Using AI to enhance our services

Reliable regulatory, scientific, and professional development information that’s human-curated — complemented with the speed and precision of AI.

Our clients need to have the most accurate and prompt regulatory information possible, and that’s exactly what we aim to provide. That’s why we’re always working to develop better and more efficient ways of providing the legislative data, analysis, and interpretation that they need.

We use AI to ensure our customers get immediate visibility of regulation changes around the world. To do this, we’ve strategically incorporated machine learning into our system so our experts have clear insights into relevant jurisdictional and legislative updates. This empowers them to analyze, interpret, and communicate that data through our platforms and services even faster.

Find out more about how we use generative AI and machine learning at Enhesa to provide better, more effective products and services for our customers.

Learn more

AI is revolutionizing the way we access information, produce meaningful insights, and communicate across jurisdictional and operational boundaries.

Peter Schramme CEO of Enhesa

How does Enhesa use AI?

Information retrieval

With hundreds of jurisdictions across the globe issuing new and updated regulations, keeping up with the flow of information is a huge challenge for our experts.

We use generative AI to support research and analysis. It keeps an ever-watchful eye on 1,500+ registry databases and other authoritative sources, continuously checking for changes that need to be assessed by our team.

Quality assurance

Precision is a pivotal part of our service. That’s why our senior experts use a combination of AI-powered quality checking tools to complement their expertise.

This ensures our customers receive prompt and detailed intelligence on regulatory developments, reporting requirements, and compliance mandates across 330 jurisdictions.

Extensive translation capabilities

Need your regional teams to get information in other languages?

Our solutions operate in over 35 languages — with bespoke machine translation protocols in place to handle colloquial and specialist industry terminology.



Dutch flag


French flag


German flag


Spain flag


Portuguese flag


Brazilian Portuguese

Portuguese (Brazilian)

Japanese flag


Finnish flag


Swedish flag


Estonian flag


Traditional Chinese flag

Traditional Chinese

Traditional Chinese flag

Simplified Chinese

Czech flag


Korean flag


Italian flag


Indonesian flag


Polish flag


Slovak flag


Croatian flag


Danish flag


Norwegian flag


Romanian flag


Vietnamese flag


Lithuanian flag


Hungarian flag


Hebrew flag


Russian flag


Thai flag


Greek flag


Slovenian flag


Deciphering the DNA of documents

We use AI to uniquely categorize and describe any legal, regulatory, scientific, or editorial document by applying a comprehensive set of metadata tags based of identified characteristics and contextual identifiers.

Our machine learning methodically provides each piece of content with a set of specific parameters to automatically and intuitively associate it with related pieces. So what benefits does this offer our customers?

Find what you need

See changes faster

Get more relevant updates

Be automatically accurate

Advanced word scanning and recognition

Our AI reads legislation and scientific documents to identify key words based on an expansive database of terminology, synonyms, antonyms, and context. 

Through continued machine learning, our system is able to pick out a growing number of relevant words and tag documents to instantly identify critical regulatory obligations. 

These tags allow our experts to effectively determine the nature of changes and empower clients to find exactly what they need with ease — as well as provide automated updates through bespoke lenses.

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Automated information identification

We use AI to enhance the effectiveness of our system’s word extraction. As it receives and analyzes more data, it identifies connections and categorizations more accurately — meaning more information can be tagged and logged quicker, so our experts can examine and explain regulatory changes faster and more clearly.

This data can include:

  • Countries, regions, and jurisdictions
  • Substances, compounds, and elements
  • Governing bodies, authorities, individuals and organizations
  • Key topics, industries, and fields
Progressive categorization and synonym recognition

Continuously proactive machine learning means that our system is always gaining a better understanding of the subject matter.

This enriches its semantic comprehension to develop a better encyclopedic knowledge of terminologies and synonyms  creating a tool that instinctively knows what content will be relevant and useful to our clients.

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Smart document and image scanning

With the ability to scan physical documents (or images of them), our system can create digital documents that are electronically readable, scannable, and categorizable.

This reduces the need for manual examination and dissemination — increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of our experts.

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Read more about how Enhesa uses AI

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

Creating better compliance management with AI

Feb 2024 | AI is great for data-driven compliance solutions, when used correctly. See how Enhesa’s experts use AI processing to deliver excellent solutions to clients.

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

From data to decisions: Enhesa’s AI-powered compliance

Apr 2024 | See how Enhesa’s in-house AI team are pushing AI-driven enhancement to bring expert insights and knowledge to the world of regulatory compliance.

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

Enhancing regulatory content with AI-powered metadata

Jun 2024 | Learn about how Enhesa is using AI to unlock content discovery with metadata, auto-classification, and chemical entity recognition.

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

Overcoming bias in AI

Using AI in our solutions brings huge benefits to our customers, but it must be accurate and untainted by bias — find out how we do it!

We use AI carefully, choosing only to implement processes that provide real benefit to our customers.

Alexander Sadovsky Chief of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Enhesa
Plitvice Waterfalls, Plitvicka Jezera, National Park, Croatia

Balancing our machine learning CO2 impact

As a company dedicated to sustainability and environmental responsibility, we’d be remiss to not acknowledge the impact that heavy computer processing has on the environment.

We believe we should only innovate when we can provide real added value to our employees and customers, which is why our AI and machine learning implementations are carefully considered and calculated against factors such as air emissions.

Russia Siberia lake Baikal road on ice to Olkhon island

Always looking forward

At Enhesa, we’ve been incorporating AI into our services and solutions since 2018, making great strides in optimizing technology to further enhance our service and product offering.

But we know there’s more we can and want to do. Our team of in-house AI experts are always exploring new and innovative ways to augment existing workflows with AI-powered enhancements.

See our AI in action

We’ve incorporated AI into our solutions to increase efficiency and enhance the services we provide our customers.

Browse our solutions to see how we use AI to help you maintain compliance, stay ahead of changing regulations, and create a more sustainable future.

Browse Enhesa’s solutions