Electrical and electronic equipment safety standards

Following the second in our new series of 101-level product compliance webinars, learn more about the baseline safety requirements for EEE products worldwide.  

3 key takeaways on safety standards

Electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) regulations are shaped by strict and varying standards across the globe. In Electrical and electronic equipment 101: beyond chemicals, the second in our 101-level series of webinar, Global Compliance Manager Stacey Bowers shared a high-level look at requirements. Read on for a summary.  

1. Harmonization of IEC standards as an enabler of market access 

Published by the International Electrical Committee, the IEC standards set safety, performance and testing expectations for a vast array of EEE products. Widely considered the worldwide benchmark, compliance with IEC assures EEE products are deemed safe for markets within the scheme. This helps to drive trade and saves businesses from the burden of retesting across multiple regions. 

The IECEE CB Scheme for conformity testing and EEE certification is one example of the efforts to harmonize IEC standards across regions. More than 100 countries are involved in the scheme, mutually accepting test reports and certificates for 23 categories such as lighting, cybersecurity, eco-design and energy labeling, packaging and more. 


2. China is complicated

While standardization of EEE regulations is increasing in the EU, US, and Asia, other markets have other or additional standards. These include China, which has more stringent requirements that add complexity to the regulatory landscape. 

The China Compulsory Certification (CCC) applies to various products including audio and video equipment, electrical appliances, low-voltage apparatus and motors, toys, and more. These products must meet China National Certification and Accreditation Administration (CNCA) standards and be tested by approved laboratories.  

In addition to IEC standards, China requires compliance with its own national GB standards, which are detailed and connected, requiring companies to ensure full compliance before placing their products on the market.  

Businesses placing their products on the market in China must therefore thoroughly analyze relevant GB standards to ensure product quality. Compliant products must display the CCC mark to confirm adherence to CNCA and mandatory GB standards.  

China has also implemented new regulations under the Consumer Rights Protection Law, aimed at improving the standards, certification and information disclosure systems for environmentally friendly products and services from 1 July. 


3. EEE requirements are numerous

In addition to the baseline requirements discussed in the webinar, companies placing EEE products on the market have to consider numerous others.  

These include:  

  • ATEX/ Hazloc requirements 
  • Battery requirements 
  • California Proposition 65 
  • Conflict minerals disclosures 
  • Cyber security and data protection 
  • Ecodesign and energy labeling requirements, including right-to-repair 
  • EMC requirements 
  • General product labeling 
  • Machinery requirements 
  • Medical device regulations and standards 
  • PFAS restrictions and prohibitions 
  • Pressure equipment requirements 
  • Reporting of SVHCs 
  • Restrictions on flame retardants, heavy metals and phthalates (RoHS) 
  • Restrictions on ODS 
  • Radio and telecommunications requirements 
  • Requirements for FCMs 
  • Requirements for packaging  
  • Toy regulations and standards 
  • Waste (WEEE) requirements 

Navigating the full range of EEE requirements is complex. Among the tools and series Enhesa Product Intelligence has developed to help our members keep up are Focused Compliance Solution options for ROHS, EPR & E-waste, and Packaging EPR 

Unlock more EEE product compliance insights

Discover more about EEE compliance regulations worldwide, from the EU, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, and more. Watch the full webcast for further insight.  

Watch the recording