Mike Bjork

Sales Director

Mike Bjork (1)

Mike Bjork joined Enhesa in July 2023 as the Sales Director for Sustainable Chemistry. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Marketing coupled with Supply Chain and cutting-edge marketing experience. 

The most important part of Mike’s role is helping clients prioritize their sustainable chemistry initiatives so they can protect humans and the environment. Many companies have limited resources and face increased pressure to set aggressive sustainability targets. Meanwhile, they are tasked with understanding all risks that their chemicals pose, based on the perspectives of their internal experts, industry, global markets, and customers.

In this context Mike is proud to be a reliable resource for clients to align with the most important goals 

Mike enjoys working with incredible companies that are making a true difference and challenging the status quo in sustainability to protect humans and the environment from hazardous chemicals. He finds it truly rewarding to work with and interact with some of the smartest people in the world to find the best solutions possible to protect our planet for future generations. 

Mike’s passion for sustainability chemistry is evident in his work on the phasing out of PFAS or “Forever Chemicals.” These harmful substances are pervasive, found in consumer products, packaging, our oceans, and food supply. Mike is dedicated to finding safer alternatives, despite the challenges of tracing the exact origin of many PFAS substances in the supply chain.  

When asked about his hopes and vision for the future, Mike envisions “ A world where every company adopts a proactive approach to sustainability making significant changes before chemical restrictions or regulatory compliance is imposed. Chemical Hazard Assessments are one of the best ways to be proactive. The good news is that we are seeing high adoption, especially with initiatives like CSRD and the European Green Deal, which require more reporting for toxic chemicals.” 

Mike’s love for nature has inspired him to create strong relationships with multinational companies as a trusted advisor who supports companies in solving some of their most complex sustainable chemistry challenges.  

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