Closing the gap: How to prepare for & predict new chemical regulations

Free webinar

How far can you see into the future of chemical regulations? Join us in this informative demo webinar to discover a more effective, comprehensive way to find and address chemicals of concern in your business.

Learn how to mitigate risk and identify opportunities by understanding current chemical and product regulations, keeping track of upcoming requirements, and proactively identifying hazardous substances before they’re regulated.

Thursday, 26 September 2024
10.00 EDT / 16.00 CET

Register for the webinar

Know if there are problematic substances in your products and processes

Discover how to stay ahead of new, changing, and future requirements

Identify & manage risks around chemicals coming in from your supply chain

What’s the webinar about?  

Regulations are still the biggest driver behind companies’ chemical management goals – yet over half of the professionals we surveyed said that their biggest risk is not keeping up with those changes. And beyond knowing requirements, they face challenges in getting the chemical information they need to fulfill them.

In this webinar, Enhesa experts will share key insights about how teams can stay ahead of regulatory change with a more complete view of your chemicals.

Join us to see how to:

  • Stay up to date on current and future chemical restrictions and prohibitions, like PFAS
  • Screen your chemicals and ingredients against 500+ regulatory and advisory lists
  • Understand inherent hazards with assessment results across 300,000 CAS RNs
  •  Get the info you need from suppliers with a consistent and easy-to-use platform

Plus Ask our speakers your specific questions in the live Q&A 

Webinar speakers

Jillian Stacy

Jillian Stacy

Enhesa Sustainable Chemistry

Jillian Stacy has been with the Enhesa team since 2014, and now leads Enhesa’s Sustainable Chemistry business unit, focusing on helping companies make safer, more sustainable chemical choices for their products and processes.

Stacey Bowers

Stacey Bowers

Global Product Compliance Manager
Enhesa Product Intelligence

Stacey joined Enhesa in November 2023 as an analyst within the Product Intelligence DART team. She has worked within the wider global product compliance industry for more than 20 years.  A librarian by training, she has a master’s degree in information and library science and has considerable experience delivering bespoke research and analysis to the world’s biggest companies, as well as launching compliance products geared towards a wide range of sectors.

52% of chemicals professionals say that keeping up with regulations is their biggest area of risk

Enhesa Sustainable Chemistry Survey

Register for the webinar

Uncover blind spots in your chemical compliance

See how to more effectively manage chemicals you use in your business with insights into instant screening for problematic chemicals, getting the right information about supplier chemical ingredients, and meeting regulatory requirements.

Make sure you don’t miss out on this insightful webinar.

  • Tips from regulatory and chemical experts
  • Best practices to achieve chemical compliance
  • Knowledge about processes that safeguard your business
  • Proven solutions for motivating suppliers to respond
  • Product compliance the easy way

Register today!